plugins.txt 8/11/95 Newt 3.1 (c) 1995, S. Weyer, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Starting with version 3.0, Newt was re-architected so that it can be extended with plug-in modules/extensions ("autoparts") -- other optional (small) packages that you can install. Newt links to plug-ins automatically when it starts; plug-ins generally do not appear in Extras, but may appear in Newt's overview menu. (You can also see them in the "Remove Software" list). These consume very little heap. The basic Newt package can be used by itself for doing most application development. Once you have built an application, you need NewtPack in order to save your app as a package. To use platform functions, you will need PlatFunc; to define a communication endpoint, CommEndP (or CommCnst). These should be adequate for all of the examples I distribute (see examples.txt). So, depending on how much free (package) memory you have available, you can customize and extend your Newt environment via additional plug-ins: constants:* PlatFunc (~33K): platform functions CommCnst (~31K): protoEndPoint and comm constants CommEndP (~18K): protoEndPoint only (but installs as CommCnst) ViewCnst (~14K): viewJustify, transfer, viewFormat, viewFlags, textFlags, viewEffect, copyProtection, ButtonBounds, flagConvert MiscCnst (~25K): kbd, font,char, date&time, GetDataStrSpec, sound, bitmap, other protos/ROM EvntCnst (~ 7K): notify, unit, event, dictionary ErrCnst (~24K): complete, unabbreviated list of error messages [.txt files provided also with definitions of names and values] *generally, these correspond to the latest NTK platform file (currently, 1.3) though I may also distribute older versions (e.g., for CommEndP if previous problems with serial endpoints have not yet been fixed). libraries: MyApp (~ 7K): applic0.lib is a package with source for applic0.nwt example MyApp2 (~14K): applic2.lib is a package with source for applic2.nwt example libproto (~103K): libproto.lib -- templates for all prototypes (libproto.nwt) [accessible via Select Library command, copy source via Copy Source, Copy All; you can create your own packages from a source folder; as time permits, I will try to provide .lib versions of the .nwt text sources listed in examples.txt] protos: NewtPack (~20K): save Newt packages tools: NewtDraw (~22K): "Newt Controls", "Newt Drawing" (turtle graphics) ExprKbd (~ 6K): former "Code Templates" (syntax-smart expressions for editor) [titles will appear in Newt's overview menu: 1st group] views: Slurpee (~??K): for transferring source text, inspector [external applications in Extras; titles will appear in Newt's overview menu: 2nd group] other: DontAsk (~ 3K): this patches the system keyboard to get rid of the annoying "Do you want to add" prompt. It's not really a Newt plug-in. appears as toggle button at lower left in keyboard. In case it's not obvious, you can create your own plug-ins via Newt itself -- Newt created the ExprKbd tool from the exprkbdt.nwt example, and the applic0.lib (MyApp) library package from the Notepad sources for applic0.nwt; also applic2.lib, and the DontAsk autopart. So, Newt is a very open and extensible environment. To remove plug-ins, just use the "Remove Software" button or your favorite package archiving utility. If you have Apple's "Package Mover" installed, the "Prefs:Memory:Remove Software" list scrolls. Close Newt before removing plug-ins to avoid possible invalid memory references. To make it easier for me to update/distribute these (and provide a little incentive to register), only some plug-ins are distributed with the basic release (NewtPack, NewtDraw, ExprKbd, MyApp, DontAsk). Slurpee is available as a separate release. The others are available via http(web), ftp, floppy or email when you register.